NRW 2018 – don’t keep history a mystery
National Reconciliation Week (NRW) 2018
The theme for NRW 2018 is Don’t Keep History a Mystery.
This year, we invite Australians to Learn, Share, and Grow – by exploring our past, learning more about Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and cultures, and developing a deeper understanding of our national story.
During NRW 2018, RQI Board Members will be travelling throughout Queensland to promote and conduct activities and presentations about Reconciliation to local councils, church groups and communities.
What is National Reconciliation Week?
27 May and 3 June commemorate two significant milestones in the reconciliation journey— the successful 1967 referendum, and the High Court Mabo decision respectively.

You can download a jointly-branded RQI and Reconciliation Australia poster, by clicking on this image.
National Reconciliation Week is a time for all Australians to learn about our shared histories, cultures, and achievements, and to explore how each of us can contribute to achieving reconciliation in Australia.
Reconciliation must live in the hearts, minds and actions of all Australians as we move forward, creating a nation strengthened by respectful relationships between the wider Australian community, and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.
Make reconciliation part of your story, and your future.
A brief history
National Reconciliation Week started as the Week of Prayer for Reconciliation in 1993 (the International Year of the World’s Indigenous People) and was supported by Australia’s major faith communities. In 1996, the Council for Aboriginal Reconciliation launched Australia’s first ‘National Reconciliation Week’.
In 2000, Reconciliation Australia was established to continue to provide national leadership on reconciliation. In the same year, approximately 300,000 people walked across Sydney Harbour Bridge as part of NRW, showing support for the reconciliation process.
Today NRW is celebrated by communities, businesses and individuals at thousands of events across Australia.
Get involved in NRW 2018
We’ll progressively update this page with information about NRW 2018 events happening in Queensland. Below are some Queensland events occurring during, in the lead-up to, and shortly after, NRW 2018:
South East Queensland
- May 20 – Cherbourg Ration Shed Museum’s Reconciliation Fun Run
Initiated 5 years ago by the people of Cherbourg, this annual event welcomes people of the South Burnett and beyond to run (or walk) 10, 7 or 3kms in the name of friendship, in the name of hope and in the name of new possibilities. This year the RQI Management Committee will partner with the P&C at Mabel Park State High School in Logan to support a large student cohort to participate in the 2018 Reconciliation Fun Run. - May 25 – National Sorry Day Commemoration, Noonga Reconciliation Group, 10:00am – 2:00pm
A day of remembrance and reflection about the impact of policies leading to the Stolen Generations. Proceedings will take place at Kalinga Park, Clayfield. Download an event flyer here (PDF 123 KB]. - May 25 – Sorry Day 2018 hosted by Link-Up Qld in West End, 7:00am – 10:00am
Join Link-Up Qld again this year in Orleigh Park, West End to commemorate National Sorry Day, a time to reconnect, for reflection, and to renew commitments to reconciliation. Breakfast from 7:00am, and live music, and speeches starting at 8:00am. More info here. - MAY 26 – National Sorry Day Commemoration hosted by Teralba Park Group, 7:00am – 10:00am
Public event hosted by Teralba Park Stolen Generations Support Group Inc. This year is the 20th Anniversary of the Brisbane City Council funded, Stolen Generations Commemorative plaque being placed on site at Teralba Park. More info here. - May 26 – 20th Anniversary of Sorry Day Ceremony hosted by Bennawarra, 7:00am – 10:00am
Public event hosted by Benarrawa Community Development Association. This year’s ceremony will be particularly significant due to the fact that this marks 20 years when folks have been gathering at the Sherwood Arboretum plaque site. More info here. - May 27 – Queensland Multicultural Council activity, 1:00pm – 5:00pm
The QMC is celebrating National Reconciliation Week at Queensland Parliament House. There will be an informative discussion around the NRW 2018 them, followed by a presentation about Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander culture and the shared history of the early settlers such as the Chinese, Indian and the cameleers from Afghanistan. Some of these people married aboriginal women and had children to them and many of the children were marginalised from both parent’s cultures. This aspect of Australia’s recent and much hidden history will also be discussed. - May 27 – Balaangala Community Group commemoration of Sorry Day, 4:00pm – 6:00pm
Balaangala will also be celebrating their 10th Anniversary during NRW 2018 by holding a ‘yarning circle’ and inviting 3 Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander people to be guest speakers and to facilitate the yarn. Light refreshments will be provided. Address: Balaangala Garden, 98 Yoorala Street, The Gap. More info here. - May 27 – Logan City Launch of National Reconciliation Week, 1.00pm
The Gateway, 91 Wembley Road Logan Central. All welcome. - June 1 – Sunshine Coast Reconciliation Coastal Walk
This annual event will be followed by a community barbecue. Suncare is the major sponsor. RQI will provide guest speakers and will support the Sunshine Coast Reconciliation Group at a reconciliation information centre and help to distribute information resources to those attending the event. Download an event flyer here [PDF 132KB]. - June 3 – Sharing our Culture at Blackbutt Memorial Hall, 10:00am – 3:00pm
Sharing Our Culture is a National Reconciliation Week event organised by the Blackbutt Art Gallery. There will be entertainment, games for the kids, stalls, food. Everyone is invited to come along and celebrate the day. Free entry. Funding provided by the Department of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Partnerships. More info here. - June 3 – Mabo Day 26th Anniversary – A Tribute, 2:30pm – 6:30pm
This year marks the 26th anniversary of the Mabo Decision by the Federal Court of Australia, leading to the Native Title Act of 1993. Bring a picnic rug and come together in a show of unity and respect, as we commemorate the five original plaintiffs of the Mabo case. Activities include: Torres Strait Islander cultural history, Welcome to Country, traditional performers, tribute to the plaintiffs, live music and island food. Download the poster here. More info here. - June 10 – The Whole History: Yarning Together for Reconciliation, 1:30pm
Join Balaangala Community Group for a panel of First Nations speakers including Dr Mary Graham, Lilla Watson and Balaangala chairperson Maurice Serico, facilitated by Stephen Mam. Sunday 10th June, commencing at 1.30pm in the Balaangala Garden, 98 Yoorala St, The Gap. Download a flyer here. More info here. - June 16 – ‘Defying Boundaries’ – Boundary to Boundary Street Reconciliation Walk
This RQI annual event comprises a Yarning Circle for community members and Elders will lead off a conversation around the Boundary Street Aboriginal curfew system in Brisbane. There will then be a walk between two of the streets that comprised the Boundary Street system (Boundary Street, Spring Hill and Boundary Street, South Brisbane). Download a flyer here [PDF 1MB]. More info here.
Far North Queensland
- May 30 – Queensland Reconciliation Awards
RQI will be supporting the awards ceremony in Cairns. The Queensland Reconciliation Awards program recognises businesses, community organisations, educational institutions and partnerships that are taking positive steps towards reconciliation across Queensland. More info about the finalists is available here. - June 1 – National Reconciliation Week celebration, 2:00pm – 5:00pm
RQI is partnering with Life Without Barriers and Cairns Regional Council at this event to be held at Council’s Civic Reception Room, 119 Spence Street, Cairns. To RSVP, contact or call 07 4032 8300. Download a flyer here [PDF 119KB].
North Queensland
- Date TBA – Palm Island
2018 marks the centenary of the first placement of people on Palm Island. The centenary provides an opportunity to commemorate the past 100 years and to celebrate a new future for the people of Palm Island. The Elders and senior citizens in the community have nominated old time dancing as their own way of celebrating the Centenary during National Reconciliation Week. RQI will support the event and provide guest speakers and will distribute reconciliation information and resources to all those attending the event.
Coral Coast (Mackay/Whitsunday)
- May 28 – Mackay
RQI is partnering with local community organisations, Mackay Regional Council and the Department of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Partnerships.
Celebrating Reconciliation Small Grants Program
Other NRW 2018 ‘grass roots’ events happening around the State have been funded through the Queensland Government’s Celebrating Reconciliation Small Grants Program. A list of those events is available here.
Department of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Partnerships calendar
A list of events occurring around Queensland during NRW 2018 and into NAIDOC Week is available on the website of the Department of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Partnerships. View that calendar here.
Reconciliation Australia NRW 2018 events calendar
To find an event near you or to register your event, click here for Reconciliation Australia’s website, where you’ll also be able to download all the Don’t Keep History a Mystery themed resources for 2018.