Boundary to Boundary Street Walk
Walking and talking together in truth and reconciliation
The Boundary to Boundary Street Walk is a free event which recognises the boundaries of exclusion from the settlement of Brisbane that were enforced on Indigenous peoples at twilight during the 19th century.
This event will be a *footpath walk* through the Brisbane Central Business District (CBD) to Reddacliff Place and across Victoria Bridge towards Melbourne Street, then down to Thomas Street, crossing at Boundary Street, South Brisbane.
Please wear comfortable walking shoes, catch public transport if necessary and carry an umbrella if the weather forecast is for either rain or showers.
The walk concludes at at Bunyapa Park, West End where there will be artwork stalls and live entertainment.
NOTE: We will give you a ride back to your car!
WHEN: Saturday, 10 August 2019. Meet at 1pm to register for a 2pm start.
WHERE: St James College on Boundary Street, Spring Hill, walking to Boundary Street, South Brisbane.
CLICK HERE: to download the event flyer [PDF 1MB]
Join in the conversation on Facebook. Respond to our event listing here.
Reconciliation Queensland gratefully acknowledges the support of:
– Brisbane City Council
– The Department of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Partnerships
History of Brisbane’s Boundary Streets
The Boundary Streets used to define the outer city limits and, although Aboriginal people were allowed to enter the city during the day, they had to exit it by 4pm Monday to Saturday, and were barred entry entirely on Sundays.
According to historian Dr Ros Kidd, in her report Aboriginal History at the Princess Alexandra Hospital Site, a traveller of the time recounted how ‘the mounted troopers used to ride about cracking stock whips to notify the Aboriginals to get out’.
Yarning Circle – Friday , 9 August
Join us on Friday, 9 August for a Yarning Circle at the home of Aunty Denise Proud. This Yarnin Circle will give Walk participants an insight into the history surrounding the Boundary Streets of cities and towns in Queensland, imposed during early settlement by non-Indigenous people.
Aboriginal Elders will be invited to share their memories of the trauma that resulted from such policies.
WHEN: Friday, 9 August 2019, 5pm
WHERE: 22 Sherman Street, The Gap
These events support this year’s National Reconciliation Week theme: Grounded in Truth. Walk Together with Courage.