September 26, 2019
Song, performance and craft stalls capped off this year’s Defying Boundaries reconciliation walk on August 10th at West End’s Bunyapa Park.
Commencing at St James College on Boundary Street, Spring Hill, the annual walk weaves its way to Boundary Street, West End, to commemorate the curfews and boundaries that excluded Aboriginal people from Brisbane’s city limits after dark in the 19th Century.

History of Brisbane’s Boundary Streets
The Boundary Streets used to define the outer city limits and, although Aboriginal people were allowed to enter the city during the day, they had to exit it by 4pm Monday to Saturday, and were barred entry entirely on Sundays.
According to historian Dr Ros Kidd, in her report Aboriginal History at the Princess Alexandra Hospital Site, a traveller of the time recounted how ‘the mounted troopers used to ride about cracking stock whips to notify the Aboriginals to get out’.
Community Elder thanks supporters
Reconciliation Queensland Co-Chair Aunty Heather Castledine acknowledged both the Yuggera traditional custodians and the Turrbal people on the northern side of the river, and gave thanks to the many supporters of the Defying Boundaries walk.
Among the Elders singled out for additional praise were Auntys Denise Proud, Leanne Plath and Rosalie Raciti, who Aunty Heather said had contributed significant time and effort into planning the walk and related activities.
Bunyapa Park entertainment included performances by the Songlines Community Choir, the Mabuyag Torres Strait Islander traditional dancers and local singer/guitarist Les Collins.
Thanks also to Ross Waghorn for his event facilitation services and to Councillor Jonathan Sri for the loan of his marquees and equipment and for agreeing to speak at the event.
Reconciliation Queensland gratefully acknowledges the support of:
– Brisbane City Council
– The Department of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Partnerships
This event supports this year’s National Reconciliation Week theme: Grounded in Truth. Walk Together with Courage.